Lane, David, Eva, Melissa, Chris
Zoom meeting
- Met to discuss how to proceed with mailed ballot
- Eva motioned to mail ballots
- All in Favor, except Chris who opposed (voted for in person voting meeting)
- Lane motioned to use 1 envelope for secret ballot, 1 envelope for signature validation page and return envelope
- Unanimous vote in favor
- Added that Amy/Terrance will be invited to be there when the secret ballots are opened
- Discussed including letter for those not in good standing since they cannot vote if they are past due
- Chris suggested listing names alphabetically on ballot
- Discussed whether to send out a letter from the president along with ballots
- Chris motioned to send the ballot without the letter
- 3 in favor, 2 opposed
- Melissa motioned to include a short bio for each person instead of the letter
- 3 in favor, 2 opposed
- Will send one more email to all candidates asking for a 140 character bio