Lane, David, Eva, Melissa, Chris
Officer Duties
- President
- Meetings & Agendas
- Resident Communication (ie: website, emails, social media)
- Budget
- Everything else?
- Vice-president
- By-Laws & Covenant Enforcement
- Treasurer
- Finances
- Dues Collection
- Secretary
- Meetings
- Scheduling
- Minutes
- New resident welcome/contact
- Meetings
- Member At-Large
- Vendor Contracts
- Volunteer Outreach
- Special Projects
Website Updates
- Meeting minutes – post on website as long as we have a member portal OR without vendor contract and financial info if we cannot have a member portal
- More resident resources? (ie: trash day, ACC approvals, snow removal, mailbox program, treasurer reporting)
- Member login – this would be the easiest option
- What should be public vs. private?
- Lane requested everyone review and send ideas/updates
- Next Door/FB link
- List of vendors that we currently use
- Proxy form
Snow Removal
- Reviewed history on what city’s process is (primary vs secondary street plowing)
Mailbox Expenditure
- Should we give full accounting?
- Chris proposed: HOA handles 100%; if someone is misusing (sprinkler system, weed whacking, bees, etc) or does not report issues that cause damage, HOA no longer is responsible for repairs/replacements – Chris to submit written policy for discussion
- To policy – include what happens when a box/post is damaged by a car, etc
Things we need to work on:
- Volunteer organization
- Financial Transparency
- Currently provide budget and a YTD in Nov
- In mtg minutes, treasurer’s report to include monthly income/expenses, current bank balance
- State Policy says we have to provide all financial documents upon written request, but board agrees its not necessary to post vendor contracts, every payment, etc.
- Dues reimbursement – per Chris, we cannot legally do this – have attorney review?
- If paid, must state your specific duties and cannot vote on items related to those duties?
- Enforcement standard practices
- FIRST: David send Violation letters (create template for easy use)
- Violation from covenants
- Will follow up in __ days
- David add to his ACC spreadsheet for tracking purposes
- Process steps
- Discuss all issues at monthly meetings and decide on next steps
- The letter process needs to focus on direct covenant violations, permanent structures or exterior violations
- At time of home sale, if we have documentation that we’ve reach out regarding violations, Eva can include those items in her notes to the title co. – do we need to have a monetary amount associated with this in order to recoup at time of sale?
- Reach out to Lee (?) homeowner that has experience with liens
- FIRST: David send Violation letters (create template for easy use)
- Regular meetings
- Each board member will present their report (ie: Treasurer’s report, ACC report, etc)
- Communication vectors
- Who is responsible? Lane
- Website
- Next-door – use for sharing from a personal perspective
- Facebook – use for general announcements
- People can comment on our posts but cannot add their own posts
- Who is responsible? Lane
- Chris’s sidewalk proposal?
- Approx $15,000 to fix all necessary sidewalks in neighborhood (~$75/household)
- If we do a special assessment, we only need majority approval at the in person meeting
- Chris made a motion to plan on $75/household special assessment for sidewalk repair and present at the Nov meeting
- Eva proposed to present current expenses and future costs along with the assessment option
- Lane asked Chris to find out cost of HOA property only and then propose separate cost for personal sidewalks
- Chris revised to say we propose two options: one time assessment for all sidewalks OR common areas only which would be included in the budget (common areas need to be done in 2022 regardless)
- Lane seconded this motion
- Approved
*Chris left at this point of the meeting*
- What are our savings goals?
- Create separate reserve savings account
- At end of 2021, we will be over budget by $1000, but made this up by collecting extra outstanding dues and added extra $2400 from reserves line item
- Vote on landscape vendor
- Brightview approved
- Budget
- Reviewed all expense line items
- Will adjust common area maintenance depending on what number Chris gets on the common area sidewalk repairs only
- Will submit worst case budget with common area sidewalk only and then a special assessment for the rest of the sidewalks (will email along with mtg reminder)
- Meeting:
- Start with major projects, planned repairs, social events
- Will not vote on budget but will open up for feedback
Future Projects or large item repairs:
- Rip rap around ponds
- New fountain
- Electrical under sidewalk
- Something with apartments
- Irrigation in front
- Playground