Board Members
Lane, David, Eva, Melissa, Chris
Board held a pre-meeting with CrossRoads to discuss sidewalk repairs
- Repair threshold is ¼ inch
- Board approved vote to be added to agenda
- Year ahead – Lane
- Major website improvements
- Meeting details
- Additional resident resources
- List of current vendors
- Online proxy form
- Streamlined reporting and enforcement program
- Online reporting tool
- Standardized enforcement protocol for all covenant violations
- Exploring new financial tools
- Further use of Quickbooks online to streamline collection
- Possibility of additional payment options
- Possibility of additional bank account to more clearly separate reserve fund
- By Laws Review
- Verify that all By-Laws are in line with how we are or want to be running the HOA
- Examples of items that have been brought up during meetings that are not included in by-laws (ie: voting process by mail in vs in mtg, how mtgs are run)
- Open floor for questions
- Covenants were changed
- have already been able to deny several rental companies from purchasing in the area
- Air BNBs are now not allowed under the new by-laws
- Major website improvements
- YTD Financials Update – Eva
- Estimated year end bank balance $20,000
- Collection of back dues:
- We keep records of past dues so that when a home sells, we can collect all outstanding fees from the seller; we can also put a lien on someone’s home to collect outstanding fees
- July 2021 outstanding balance $12,000
- Current outstanding balance $7700 (of this $3000 is outstanding from 2021)
- Is there a free collections service that we can utilize?
- There are places that we could use, but they will take a large cut of the collected dues
- What forms of enforcement can we use to collect back dues?
- $75 late fee is charged
- Denying trash removal has been tried, but not effective because Republic would just pickup any cans that were left out
- Budgeted vs actual spent
- Budget Discussion
- Presentation of 2022 Budget – Lane
- Are dues raised because of outstanding dues – no, dues are raised because expenses have increased
- Are there any instances where HOA bills cannot be paid? No, this has never happened
- Snow plowing – substantially increased this line item; plan to only salt in an emergency situation because its very hard to predict when this is actually helpful; plowing is done 3in or above and will not plow if city has not come first
- Trash – will be bid out in 2023 once our contract is over
- Improvements – removed for this year
- Social events – hoping to hold several block parties
- No officer reimbursement again this year – but this was voted into the by-laws so can be done by future boards
- Sidewalks (common area) – liability issue and will be repaired
- Mailboxes – continue replacement rotation
- Reserve Fund – this needs to be built up again as its been lowered by different projects and unexpected repairs (covenant, emergency repairs, etc); regardless of expenses, we will make sure that dues reflect an increase in the reserve fund each year
- Our goal is to have enough in reserves that we can cover catastrophic events and not completely wipe out all of the funds
- We are not required to vote on the budget since the change is less than 10% from the previous year (per the by-laws); the board encourages input regarding the proposed budget expenses
- If we find the reserves at a point that it is ‘adequate’, the reserves line item would be adjusted as needed to keep the level where it needs to be – that number has not been fully determined yet
- The board considered doing a study to determine healthy levels for reserves
- Open floor for questions
- Presentation of 2022 Budget – Lane
- Sidewalk Special Assessment
- Intro – Lane
- Presentation – Chris
- Chris has gotten bids from two companies (CrossRoads and Acculevel); He and his team have been extremely helpful in walking the neighborhood to
- Repairs are needed due to liability issues, keeping up appearances in the neighborhood so it does not continue decreasing values
- 41 known trip hazards throughout the neighborhood
- Per city ordinance 94.26, homeowners must repair any potential safety hazards on their property including sidewalks
- Cost to repair each homeowners property individually is min. of $1000
- Cost to repair all 41 current hazards at the same time plus go through every sidewalk and address all repairs (more than ¼ in gap) plus will level every inch of the sidewalks so that they can last for many year
- The process that CrossRoads uses lifts each piece of sidewalk to level it; it lasts for decades, does not expand with weather, addresses areas with root issues; low pressure injection
- $75 per household with CrossRoads
- CrossRoads will be allowed to market to homeowners to offer discounted quotes for individuals driveways and walkways
- Brochure sent with annual dues, posted on website, nextdoor, through emails, will go door to door (we will give notice), they will put signage at entrances 2 weeks prior, during, and after, our HOA will be a reference for them
- An additional $25 to repair the rest of the mailbox posts that are needed
- Board has 22 proxy votes in favor of the special assessment
- After this project, if someone does something to crack or break their sidewalk they will be fully responsible
- If someone is doing work with a contractor they need to make sure they have liability from contractor to fix anything that is damaged during construction
- On the annual invoice, the special assessment will be listed as a separate line item
- Biggest reason for sidewalk cracks is tree roots – CrossRoads will inform owners that have tree roots that may cause damage in the future
- If something happens years from now, for normal wear and tear, it will need to be addressed by the then current board and homeowners
- Open floor for discussion
- Vote
- Neighbor (Mike) motioned to add $75 special assessment plus $25 for additional mailboxes
- Motion seconded by several people
- Vote of the 5 board members to bring the $25 additional assessment to the vote – voted 4 in favor and 1 against
- Passed out paper ballots for everyone present to use to vote on the total $100 special assessment (passed)
- Board to address the woman who paid for her sidewalk just before this came to the board for a vote
- Open floor – Additional questions/comments not covered
- Are trash cans allowed to be outside of the garage or enclosure – covenants allow them to be ‘minimally visible’; not in front of garages
- Back pond – have done more algae treatments, have quotes for aeration ($8000), new fountain ($15,000) have been told that the size fountain we have is sufficient for our size pond; will bid out when our contract is up
- New sign – insurance covered the cost of replacement minus $500 deductible; just need to add wrap around the post and adjust the lights
- Future project – repair the path that runs along the creek
- Close of meeting