November 23rd, 2021 HOA Board Meeting

Lane, David, Eva, Melissa, Chris

  1. Approval of meeting minutes
    1. Lane motioned to approve
    2. Eva second
    3. Approved previous meeting minutes from 11/15/21 
  2. Community Meeting Recap
    1. Communication – how do we notify people of new dues/assessment prior to dues letter?
      1. This will be done via email, FB, website, etc (not direct mailing)
      2. Specify difference between dues increase and special assessment
      3. This has been an issue that’s been becoming increasingly concerning over the years
      4. Cost effective but collective solution thats favorable for everyone 
      5. City has been contacted repeatedly and this is not a priority for them
      6. Whether it affected their property or not, the majority of people at the meeting determined that this was necessary
      7. For mailbox post portion, it was proposed that we would add an additional assessment in order to replace the remaining posts to get us to a position where we can focus on maintenance going forward
    2. Within the board, the goal for mailboxes is that the assessment will get us to the point where we should be able to have only a couple of thousand as a line item in the annual budget for emergency replacements, minor repairs, and posts/boxes that have reach their age limit 
    3. Covenants state that we need to call a meeting for a special assessment – this was done, regardless of the final amount that was voted on 
  3. Woman who paid for her own sidewalks right before the special assessment vote (Jalene Huff)
    1. asking for the Board to excuse her dues for 2022 in some form
    2. Board needs to determine a policy for this situation 
      1. Lane suggested a 3 year window for reimbursement, Chris said 1 year, Melissa said 6 mths
      2. In previous meetings, we have always voiced that the sidewalks are not  the HOAs responsibility 
      3. Actual discussions and work on quotes began 6-8 months prior to the vote
      4. Chris motioned: $150 per segment up to 2 segments max with proof of scope of work from a licensed contractor and proof of payment within 1 year of Nov 15, 2021; Dues/special assessment need to be paid in full and then the Board will write a reimbursement check
      5. Lane seconded motion; All in favor
      6. Where is the reimbursed funds coming from? Reserves 
  1. Mayor Meeting (Lane and Chris attended on Zoom) 11/17/21
    1. Per police chief, they will not ticket for driving under 30 in neighborhoods
    2. Parking options
      1. You have to have 18 feet between vehicles – request signage from city stating this – police can be called if in violation 
      2. Install non-enforceable signage reminding people to not park on the street close to each other
      3. Send a letter – we cannot enforce this so not a good idea
    3. FLOCK – license plate readers placed at entrance of neighborhood used to reduce criminal activity $2500 plus install 
    4. Plowing – city’s goal is to hit all roads 24 hrs after the snow; will not match or reimburse for any neighborhood expenses 
    5. Matching Grant – Sidewalk repair, maintenance, improvements are now included 
      1. What other projects could we use this for?
      2. Where will the matching $5000 come from out of our budget/reserves?
      3. Chris proposed using the mailbox line item plus matching grant to fix the back pond
      4. Board decided that the $15 mailbox line item plus $25 assessment 100% on mailboxes
      5. We have an extra $4500 as line item for sidewalks – what to do with this?
        1. If not used, it would go into the reserves
        2. We could use this toward the matching grant proposal for sidewalks – if we get it, we won’t need it for sidewalks since those are already covered by $75pp so we could purchase fountain aeration for it instead
      6. If we apply for the sidewalks this year, we still have the opportunity to apply for the fountain next year and have possibility to get a grant for both 
      7. Regarding the pond improvements, we need to get several more quotes to find out if aeration is the correct route to go
      8. Decided to apply for the matching grant for sidewalk project – if we get this, we need to be very transparent about the timing of when we found out about the grant vs when we took the special assessment vote and where the extra $4500-5000 is going to be used
  2. By-Laws
    1. Voting
    2. Goal is to go through this in detail by July 
  3. Other
    1. Policy for payment options (monthly payment fee, etc) – do we need to charge or budget for the admin fees associated with this? Can those route directly into Quickbooks?
    2. Discuss setting up an online payment option from website and pass fees onto homeowner – add option to invoice for 2022
    3. Might need to add a line item for online processing annual fees for Stripe or other company that we use
  4. New Home Fee – covenants state that this is $100 – Eva will ensure this is is being charged
  5. Items to include on agendas 
    1. New Homeowners – Can the board get a copy of new homeowners? Include list of new addresses?
    2. ACC approvals