Holiday Light Contest Results

We wanted to share the results from the holiday light contest that the Social Committee organized. Michelle said there where a lot of great decorations and it was a hard choice. The winning house was 10631 Sand Creek and they where awarded a $100 gift card to Home Depot.

We plan on this being the beginning of a fun tradition that encourages a bright and inviting atmosphere during the holidays. Click through to see some of the other great lights we had this year. Thanks to all of you for making this a great place to live!

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New Neighborhood Sign

The Board is always looking at ways to improve the neighborhood. We are particularly focused on finding ways to increase home values by making our neighborhood a more inviting place. This year the HOA approved a budget of $4,000 for a general improvements fund. While we hoped to increase this through the Fishers neighborhood grant fund, unfortunately we weren’t chosen for this year. We hope to be better prepared for next year and increase our bang for the buck.

This year though we wanted to focus on the first impression potential home buyers have while also making existing owners proud to come home each day.

We settled on the addition of a sign on the neighborhood entrance wall, past the apartment entrance. There are two thoughts behind this. The first is to visually separate the single family homes from the apartments; as it is, I’ve always felt like we are secondary and I want to change that. The second is that we feel this sign will give our neighborhood a high end impression and make the wall feel more complete.

For the design we chose aluminum letters in an aged bronze finish that will stand off from the wall. This will be particularly nice looking at night with the up lighting we will be adding. Within budget we will also include uplighting on the trees behind the wall. You can see an example of this type of sign below.

With the remainder of the improvements budget we will add a bench at a location to be determined. If you have any ideas please let us know. We would like to add more in the coming years.

This is just the start of many improvements I would like to make. Next year we plan on focusing on the 121st entrance which can definitely use attention.

We are looking for feedback on this current plan, please reach out asap if you have any specific suggestions. If you have ideas for additional improvements I encourage you to attend our end of the year meeting when we will be discussing next years improvements

Political Yard Signs

With primary elections coming up soon the board wanted to address the placement of yard signs.

As a general rule yard signs are prohibited by the Covenants of the HOA. The only exceptions granted by the Covenants are for entry signs or lot/home sale signs. You can read the relevant portion in section 5-D by following this link.

With that said, the board is granted the ability to create exceptions to this rule. We have voted to allow election signs up to the primary. In the future we may limit the time span.

To be specific, the types of signs we will allow are those provided through official campaign channels that only state the candidates name and position they are running for. We will not permit signs advocating particular issues, attack other candidates, or anything else that could upset neighbors. We will also limit signs to one per candidate in each yard. Please place signs so that they do no obstruct passage on the sidewalk or reduce sight lines while driving. Signs must also be of the standard 18×24 size.

With any decision like this we do reserve the right to reverse it. If necessary we will address any signs that we deem to create a nuisance, especially those that are brought to our attention by neighbors.

We ask that all homeowners respect their fellow neighbors right to express their political views, do not remove or damage other’s signs. We will not make any decisions to remove signs based on the political viewpoints of a neighbor or our own.

We hope this decision pleases all and encourages everyone to get out and vote!

Update on Street Lights

We have been contacted by many of you inquiring about the street lights that are out at both entrances. We really appreciate your concern and can assure you we are aware and have been working to get the issues resolved. I want to update everyone about the reasons for the delay and our progress in getting the lights fixed.

Starting with the 116th St. entrance; these lights, while on our property, are powered by the apartment complex. What we’ve been told is that the city inadvertently damaged the power supply while installing the new pole at the corner. The apartment complex has assured us that they have been in contact with the city to get this resolved. We will follow up on this with them to make sure these get fixed asap but our hands are tied until the city rectifies the issue.

At the 121st St. entrance — these lights were recently repaired during our last round of repairs by our contractor. We had been working with them to find out the underlying issue that is causing frequent burnouts before moving forward. Related to this we have been discussing the possibility of upgrading all lighting to LEDs and have received a quote that makes this a more attractive option then repairing our current bulbs and ballasts. We are working with the contractor to create the most cost effective plan to make this change. Once this is in place we will begin with the 121st St. lights.

Finally, there was a light on Cedar Dr. that was struck. We’ve been working to get this resolved and replaced quickly. While this took longer than preferable it has been resolved and we hope to have the replacement up as soon as next week.

As always, we welcome and encourage all homeowners to reach out whenever they see a problem. While the Board tries to keep an eye out for issues, we can’t spot everything. We appreciate your patience with us as we work to resolve all issues that are brought to our attention.

Update, April 8th:

We are happy to announce that all lights have been updated to LEDs. This should reduce the frequency of repairs and replacements. It will also reduce the electricity usage.

We again apologize for the delay in getting the Cedar Dr. pole replaced. While we where under the impression that the pole could be installed a few weeks ago that was not the case. The pole itself was not available to our installer and had to be ordered from the manufacturer. We have been told it will be a few more weeks before our installer receives it for installation.

Welcome to Our New Website!

I’m excited to share our new HOA website with my fellow homeowners! As I’m sure you’re aware our previous website was out of date visually and more importantly functionally. When I started on the board one of my main objectives was to make it easier for the HOA to communicate with homeowners and for you to communicate with us. This site is the first step in achieving that goal. We will be using other methods as well, including email newsletters, social media and when necessary paper newsletters. This website will be the best place to find out what’s going on with the neighborhood and the HOA.

Within this website you will find announcements like this one from the board. Any important upcoming events, typically HOA meetings. Useful links and frequently asked questions. We are working on a way to make dues payments online as well. You will be able to sign up for our email newsletters as well as contact us for any other reasons. If you are looking to make outside improvements to your home (which we greatly encourage) there is a form to request approval from our architectural committee.

In addition to all the information we are using this site to encourage more participation in the HOA from other homeowners. We are looking for volunteers to form additional committees to help make this neighborhood a fun inviting place to live. Please reach out to us using the volunteer page if you are interested.

Finally we hope to encourage and inform potential homebuyers to purchase in our development. We will be adding useful information that will help them in their decision. I have also set up a gallery page. The fun thing about this is any homeowner can contribute if they have an Instagram account. All you have to do is tag your photo with #scwhomes and it will show up in our gallery. I only ask that you keep these photos appropriate and non personal.

If you have any questions about the site please reach out to us. We are always looking for suggestions as well!